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6 Surprising Benefits of Vitamin D

Here in the UK, roughly 1 in 5 people are deficient in vitamin D. When you consider the fact that this vitamin is known as the ‘sunshine vitamin’ and that the UK is hardly famous for its sunshine, it’s easy to understand why that is.

Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that is vital for a whole host of natural processes within our bodies, which we’ll be looking at in more detail shortly.

The reason vitamin D is known as the ‘sunshine vitamin’ is due to the fact that, when exposed to rays from the sun, our bodies are able to naturally produce vitamin D. It is also present in certain whole foods and supplements.

Vitamin D deficiencies can take their toll on us physically and mentally, which is why it is strongly recommended that we supplement with vitamin D, as relying on sunshine in the UK would be like relying on a politician to tell the truth.

Still not convinced you need a vitamin D supplement? Check out these benefits and you’ll soon change your mind.

Vitamin D promotes stronger bones

When people think of strong bones, they likely think of calcium.

Whereas it’s true that calcium, like you find in milk, cheese, and dairy is indeed vital for strong and healthy bones, it turns out that vitamin D is equally as important, yet it is always gets overlooked.

The reason why vitamin D is so important for our bones is due to the fact that vitamin D enables calcium to be absorbed by the bones. Without sufficient amounts of vitamin D in our bodies, it doesn’t matter how much milk we drank, the majority of the calcium we consumed would simply go to waste as the bones wouldn’t be able to absorb it.

Vitamin D is a very helpful fellow, in that it increases calcium uptake via the bones. This means it works with calcium to help the bones to grow, to strengthen them, and to prevent them from becoming brittle later on in life.

Vitamin D, when used alongside calcium, makes for a double act superhero combo considered the Batman and Robin of the bone-strengthening world.

Vitamin D strengthens the immune system

Health experts are constantly talking to us about the importance of vitamins, but why exactly is that?

Well, to put it simply, vitamins help to strengthen the immune system. Your immune system serves as a natural defence mechanism against illness and disease, and the stronger your immune system is, the less likely you will be to get sick.

Vitamins, including vitamin D, strengthen the immune system. Think of your immune system like an army. If invading pathogens try to enter your cells and make you sick, soldiers are deployed to despatch these pathogens. Vitamins basically provide reinforcements for the army (your immune system) and help to strengthen it, thereby making it stronger and more efficient.

Vitamin D deficiencies have been strongly linked with suppressed immune systems so make sure you’re getting enough on a daily basis.

Vitamin D fights inflammation

Inflammation in the body, despite being a natural and necessary process, can be dangerous in large amounts.

Too much inflammation can not only lead to headaches sore joints, and pain and discomfort in general, in more serious instances, inflammation can put you at risk of chronic health issues such as heart disease, heart attack, stroke, a higher risk of cancer, and more.

Another key reason to ensure that you are getting enough vitamin D on a daily basis is due to the fact that vitamin D has powerful anti-inflammatory properties.

Vitamin D can improve mental health 

As if the benefits we’ve already looked at weren’t enough, it turns out that another key benefit of vitamin D is the fact that it can improve your mental health.

Mental health issues such as stress, anxiety, and depression can not only cause us to feel low, they can drain our energy and motivation and in more serious instances they can cause us to feel suicidal and to consider taking our own lives.

Vitamin D has been shown to improve mental health, mainly due to the fact that it increases the amount of serotonin in the brain. Serotonin is an endorphin which contributes towards feelings of happiness, relaxation, and general well-being.

The more serotonin our brains produce, the happier we feel which is obviously very conducive for people affected by mental health issues, or who are simply looking to lift their spirits and feel happier.

Vitamin D increases energy levels 

Do you ever find yourself feeling slow, lethargic, and about as energetic as a sedated sloth? If so, then it might be worth considering adding a vitamin D supplement to your daily routine.

Vitamin D has been found to boost the metabolism and thereby increase your overall energy levels. A large percentage of cells in the body contain vitamin D receptors and so the more vitamin D we can put into our bodies, the more of this vitamin will reach these receptors and the more efficiently the cells will be able to perform.

Vitamin D can promote weight loss

After a year of lockdown, not to mention the festive period not too long ago, it’s probably pretty safe to say that many of us could stand to drop a few pounds, or a few dozen for that matter.

Weight loss is not easy, and there certainly isn’t an easy fix, but if you do want to make your weight loss journey that little bit easier, vitamin D is the perfect vitamin for you.

Vitamin D increases energy levels like we just mentioned, and so if you have more energy you can exercise for longer and work harder when you train. Not only that, but vitamin D, when used along with calcium, can also help to suppress the appetite so you feel less hungry and feel full quicker.

Don’t get too excited, we aren’t saying you can rush back to the pubs when they open and down endless pints, packets of crisps, and kebabs several nights a week and still lose weight if you take a vitamin D supplement. What we are saying, though, is that if you do watch what you’re eating, and exercise more, a vitamin D supplement could help you to lose the beer gut and get rid of the lockdown flab that little bit easier.

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